A high-performing website is critical to the success of your business. Whether it’s your content, your SEO, or your site speed, it’s important to refresh your website every once in a while, to remain competitive. Not sure if you need a website redesign?
Here are some of the key indicators.
1. Content that’s out of date
The quality of your web content is crucial, whether it’s your blogs, web pages, or product descriptions. You should update all of your content regularly, to keep things fresh. Updating your content is vital to maintain your SEO and continue to provide value to your users.
Take the time to add new keywords, new videos and refresh your blogs too. Your users will find your website far more engaging and credible if you’re consistently offering something new. If you haven’t updated your content in a long while it’s certainly time for a website refresh.
2. Poor website security
Security is always a top priority for website users. Since the intro of GDPR, businesses have needed to educate themselves on the ins and outs of personal data collection and security. You must keep the security of your site up to date, as well as your certificates and data policies. For example, HTTPS certifications are a real must for modern websites. Failing to use the right certificates can mean your users are met with a ‘not secure’ warning on your site. Unless your users feel safe on your website, they are unlikely to stick around.
3 . Your site is unresponsive
Website users need to access their info in a variety of different ways, often using several different devices. An unresponsive site is the fastest way to increase your bounce rate so you must optimise for your mobiles and tablets, as well as desktops. According to Word Stream, ‘52% of global internet traffic comes from mobile devices.’ If your site isn’t properly optimised, you’ll need to think about getting yourself a new website.
4. Study your competitors
It’s important to study your competitors, you should take a look at their websites, and then use the info you find to give your site a nice revamp. It’s not about copying your competitors but determining their weaknesses and strengths. You should use their sites to give your own website an edge, ensuring that yours is more engaging, and offering something truly unique.
5. Unattractive layout & design
Is your website looking a little dated? If so, you’ll want to give things a revamp ASAP! The fact is, web users can be a tad shallow when it comes to web design! If they don’t see something that looks modern, professional, and easy on the eyes, they’ll make snap judgments about your business. Everything including the logos, the imagery, the colours, and the typeface contributes to how a user experiences your site.
6. Your conversions or leads decrease
One of the biggest indicators that your website is outdated is that you start to experience a decrease in leads or conversions. If this happens, it’s important to look at your data analytics. See if you can identify any trends to help you get to the root of the problem.
If you need help with your Digital Marketing or SEO then get in-touch!
Paul Baguley
Paul was included as a SEO contributor in a book called Digital Marketers Sound Off. He was one of 101 accomplished digital marketing specialists sharing their favourite tools, tips, tactics, and predictions for the future.